
机翼-机身-尾翼结构的跨音速颤振分析研究 被引量:1

On Analyzing Transonic Flutter of Wing-Fuselage-Tail Configuration with Parallel Computing System
摘要 利用无限插值方法 ( TFI)生成三维多块贴体运动网格 ,以 Navier- Stokes方程为控制方程 ,求解机翼 -机身 -尾翼结构的跨音速非定常气动力 ,并与颤振方程耦合迭代计算 ,求解飞行器广义位移响应的时间历程 ,根据广义位移的时间历程的衰减、等幅和发散振荡等情况确定飞行器跨音速颤振临界条件。为了提高计算效率 ,研制了以多台微机组成的分布式计算系统。开发了颤振分析并行软件。经算例验证 。 For use in flutter analysis, we developed a distributed parallel computing system. In this paper, we aim to utilize this system to analyze within an acceptably short period of time the transonic flutter of wing-fuselage-tail configuration. This objective compels us to develop a software that is far more efficient for wing-fuselage-tail configuration than past softwares we developed for use with our parallel computing system. Our distributed parallel computing system couples computational fluid dynamics (CFD) with computational structural dynamics (CSD). Using a transfinite interpolation (TFI) scheme to generate a multi-block C-H moving grid, the aerodynamic analysis is carried out with solving the three-dimensional unsteady Navier-Stokes equations. By coupling with flutter motion equations, the response of time history of generalized coordinates is found. The flutter velocity is obtained from time history of the generalized coordinate responses. Thus, the required flutter analysis software, which uses the PVM library, is developed. We give two numerical examples. The results of the first example (the AGARD 445.6 wing) show that the new software we developed gives calculated results that agree well with experimental data. Then, in the second example (a certain wing-fuselage-tail configuration), the new software we developed does, within an acceptably short period of time, give transonic flutter results that look quite reasonable.
出处 《西北工业大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第1期84-88,共5页 Journal of Northwestern Polytechnical University
关键词 N—S方程 颤振 跨音速 分布式并行计算 机翼-机身-尾翼结构 Navier-Stokes equations, transonic flutter, distributed parallel computing system,wing-fuselage-tail configuration
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