
与有弹性钉住通货膨胀相一致的货币政策规则 被引量:2

Monetary Policy Rules Combined with Flexible Inflation Targeting
摘要 在与有弹性钉住通货膨胀相一致的货币政策动态优化问题中,本文将货币政策工具对不同目标变量影响的时滞引入损失函数,并分别在确定性等价条件下,以及模型参数不确定性条件下给出了最优的利率反应函数,进而讨论了模型参数以及模型参数不确定性对最优利率反应函数的影响。 In the dynamic optimization problem combined with flexible inflation targeting, the lags in the effect of the instrument of monetary policy on different target variables were introduced into loss function. The optimal interest rate reaction functions were given under certainty equivalence principle and parameter uncertainty. The effects of parameters and its uncertainty on optimal monetary policy were discussed.
作者 郭万山
出处 《数量经济技术经济研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第1期83-92,共10页 Journal of Quantitative & Technological Economics
关键词 有弹性钉住通货膨胀 损失函数 货币政策规则 Flexible Inflation Targeting Loss Function Monetary Policy Rule
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