保护营造植被、茶山 ,自然组织水系 ,有序设置路网络、管网 ,合理组织人流、车流。动静分区 ,将徽派建筑元素与江南园林构园要素有机结合 ,构建会议区、餐饮区、客房区、娱乐区、休闲区、别墅区及 12洞高尔夫球场 ,提升环境品质。
In order to upgrade the environmental quality of Magang Penshan Holiday Village, we should protect and plant the vegetation, landscape the tea hill, naturally organize the water system, systematically design the road networks and pipeline networks, and rationally direct the tourists and vehicles. Peaceful areas must be separated from the busy areas in the holiday village. The features of Hui-style buildings and those of Jiangnan gardens are organically integrated in the eight districts of meeting-rooms, dining-halls, guestrooms, entertaining activities,leisury activities, villas and a 12-hole golf course.
Journal of Anhui Vocational College of Metallurgy and Technology