由于橡胶坝底板座落的土层土质软弱 ,工程性能差 ,作为持力层需要进行处理。详细介绍了合肥市南淝河船闸、橡胶坝工程橡胶坝底板地基处理的设计方案和施工工艺 ,对不符合承载力要求的地基换填中粗砂 ,处理后的地基可以满足橡胶坝基础承载力的设计要求。
Because the soil texture of rubber dam foundation is located the soil layer is weak, the achievement holds the strength level need carry on processing. This article in detail introduced south-fei river rubber dam project rubber dam ledger wall ground treatment design proposal and consturction craft, to do not conform to the supporting capactity request ground to trade fills in the coarse sand, after the processing ground may satisfy the rubber dam foundation supporting capacity the design request.
Journal of Anhui Vocational College of Metallurgy and Technology