
问题解决中图式的建构:一项应用题分类研究 被引量:5

The Construction of Schema in Problem-solving: Study on Children's Categorizing for Word Problems
摘要 以小学三、四年级的60名儿童为被试,采用对基本算术应用题分类的方法测量图式,探讨了图式的作用以及影响图式获得的因素。结果表明,被试对问题的分类有前图式水平、图式水平、按解题程序分类三种情况,前两个水平又分成若干亚水平;图式的水平对问题解决成绩有预测作用;图式的水平和问题解决成绩均有显著的性别差异,女生优于男生。 Schema was measured by 60 third and fourth graders' categorizing for simple arithmetical word problems. Results showed that the participants classified these problems respectively on schematic level or pre-schematic level or procedural level. Performances on problem solving were different between schematic level and pre-schematic level, pre-schematic level and procedural level. There were significant gender differences on schema level and performances on problem solving. Concretely, girls exceeded boys.
作者 辛自强
出处 《心理发展与教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第1期69-73,共5页 Psychological Development and Education
基金 全国教育科学"十五"规划重点课题国家青年基金课题(CBA030045) 北京市教育科学"十五"规划重点课题(ABA03010)资助.
关键词 问题解决 图式 成绩 水平 应用题分类 解题程序 算术应用题 被试 情况 性别差异 problem solving schema construction children
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