在控制机器人的各种方法中 ,采用生物电信号控制机器人的研究发展非常迅速 ,成为二十一世纪最热门的研究课题。眼电图EOG(electro -oculography)方法是目前唯一一种信号产生于生物电的眼运动记录技术。本文在对EOG的产生原理及扫视信号提取的方法进行分析的基础上 ,利用EOG信号提取侧、俯平面的视角变化来实现对机器人进行三维空间移动定位 。
Among various of robot control methods, the research of robot control using bio signal is in rapid developing, and becomes one of the hottest research topics. Presently, EOG is the only eye movement recording method whose signal is produced by bio electricity. In this paper, a theory of robot orientation in three-dimensional space is proposed based on analysis of EOG signals and extraction of saccade signal. Finally, a simulation experiment is performed for the validation of this control theory.
Computer & Digital Engineering