为更好地培养医学生的临床实践能力 ,了解中国学生对PBL教学法的适应性 ,充分论证其可行性 ,探索适合中国国情的PBL教学方法 ,我们在五年制本科内科临床实习生中进行了探索性的PBL内科临床病案分析课的尝试。结果表明实习生对PBL的学习方法表现出了较大的积极性 ,并肯定了PBL的学习方法积极作用 ,说明PBL是一种有效的学习方法 ,应作为临床教学的手段之一。
To cultivate the medical students' clinical competence better and to learn the adaptability of Chinese medical students to the educational method of problem-based learning (PBL),as well as to adequately demonstrate the feasibility and explore the most compatible method that is suitable for the Chinese situation,we made an exploring try of the clinical case analysis class in internal medicine with method of PBL in intern of five-year system.The results showed that the students exhibited great enthusiasm to the PBL,and made a positive judge for it.It means that PBL is an effective learning method,and should be used as one of the methods of clinical education.
Researches in Medical Education