为了研究心肌缺血后不同时间段尿液中心脏型脂肪酸结合蛋白 (heart-type fatty acid binding-protein,H-FABP)的浓度变化的规律 ,按 Selye法结扎大鼠左冠状动脉前降枝复制早期心肌缺血动物模型 ,用 ELISA法测量死后不同时间段尿液中心脏型脂肪酸结合蛋白的浓度。结果显示 ,正常对照组和实验组的尿液中 H-FABP的浓度均随时间呈波浪状上升 ,但实验组的 H-FABP浓度比正常对照组高 ,两者存在显著差异 ;正常对照组的 H-FABP浓度与时间相关 ,其直线回归方程是 Y(死后时间 ) =10 .3 91+ 0 .0 3 4X(H-FABP浓度 ) ;实验组的 H-FABP浓度与时间相关 ,其直线回归方程是 Y(死后时间 ) =5 .92 6+ 0 .0 15 X(H-FABP浓度 )。
To investigate the relation between the concentration of H-FABP in urine and postmortem intervals after AMI occurs. Following the Selye's method to ligate the left anterior coronary artery of rat to develop the animal model of early AMI, and then to detect the concentration of the H-FABP in normal and AMI rat's urine that was drown after different postmortem time. The urinary concentration of H-FABP in normal group and AMI group both increase with postmortem time, and the concentration of H-FABP of the AMI group is higher than that of the normal group, and there is significant difference between them; the H-FABP concentration of the normal group correlates with the postmortem intervals, and the linear regression equation is Y(postmortem intervals)=10.391+0.034X (H-FABP concentration). The H-FABP concentration of the AMI group correlates with the postmortem intervals, and the linear regression equation is Y(postmortem intervals)=5.926+0.015X(H-FABP concentration).
Journal of Mathematical Medicine
湖北省卫生厅资助项目 (JX1B0 0 9)