
一种零压零流软开关直流-直流变换器 被引量:4

Zero-voltage-zero-current soft switching DC-DC converter
摘要 提出一种新型软开关DC-DC变换器。分析了其工作原理并进行了原理实验,所提出的拓扑电路实现了主功率开关、辅助功率开关及功率二极管的软开关,整机电路效率较高。 A novel soft switching DC-DC converter is proposed and the operation principle of the novel converter is analyzed. The experiment results are presented. The soft switching of the main power switch, auxiliary switch and the power diode are realized. The converter has higher efficiency than other soft switching topologies.
出处 《华北电力大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2005年第1期32-36,共5页 Journal of North China Electric Power University:Natural Science Edition
关键词 软开关 功率开关 直流变换器 DC—DC变换器 拓扑电路 功率二极管 整机电路 soft switching DC-DC converter power factor correction (PFC)
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