
硫酸二乙酯法合成N-乙基间甲苯胺——芳胺N-烷基化研究(Ⅳ) 被引量:1

SYNTHESIS OF N-ETHYL-m-TOLUIDINE BY DIETHYL SULFATE——The Serial Studies on N-Alkylation of Aromatic Amines (Ⅳ)
摘要 N-乙间甲苯胺是制备彩色胶卷的显影套药CD-2,CD-3,CD-4和高档酸性染料,分散染料的重要中间体。它的制备与合成主要有:气相法、中压液相法、溴乙烷法和磷酸二乙酯法。这些合成方法各有优点与不足。用硫酸二乙酯合成N-基间甲苯胺尚未见有文献报道。硫酸二乙酯是一种较常用的乙基化试剂,可是它的反应活性比较高,容易生成N,N-二乙基芳胺。 The authors have synthesized N-ethyl-m-toluidine by diethylsulfate as alkylation reagent.The reaction condition is rather mild, theprocedure is vrery convenient and the yield is high.The percert conver-sion of m-toluidine reaeched 88.4% and the selectivity of product was86.1%.The authors have also studied the effects of temperature,solvent,time and dose of diethyl sulfate on the reaction.The optimum reactionconditions have been found and a new route have bevn offered to thesynthesis of N-ethyl-m-toluidine
机构地区 湘潭大学化学系
出处 《湘潭大学自然科学学报》 CAS CSCD 1993年第2期91-93,共3页 Natural Science Journal of Xiangtan University
关键词 乙基间甲苯胺 N-烷基化 硫酸二乙酯 N-ethyl-m-toluidine N-alkylation diethyl sulfate organic synthesis
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