
长江三角洲生态系统服务价值的测度与分析 被引量:26

Value of Ecosystem Services in Yangtze River Delta
摘要 长江三角洲生态系统服务总价值为 2 72 .3 4亿美元 /年 ,其中森林生态系统贡献 45 .3 4亿美元 /年 ,占总生态服务价值的 16.65 % ;湿地生态系统贡献 5 8.46亿美元 /年 ,占到总服务价值的 2 1.5 3 % ;农田生态系统贡献 4.0 8亿美元 /年 ,占总价值 1.5 % ;河流与湖泊生态系统服务价值为 12 9.48亿美元 /年 ,占总价值的 47.5 4% ;浅海海域生态系统服务价值为 3 4.89亿美元 /年 ,占总价值的 12 .84%。长江三角洲的生态系统服务价值的主要提供者是水为主导因子的河流与湖泊生态系统、湿地生态系统、浅海海域生态系统 ,提醒人们水是该地区主要而富有特征的生态要素 ,是未来可持续发展的关键性要素 ,要关注区域水问题。长江三角洲生态服务价值占区域国民生产总值的 1/4多 ,这一比例虽然与世界与全国平均水平比较 ,相对较低 ,但不说明生态服务价值是可以被忽略的 ,相反 ,说明支持国民经济运转的自然生态服务非常重要 ,需要保护相关的生态系统。长江三角洲的生态系统服务在干扰调节、水调节、水供应、养分循环、废物处理等方面的价值较大 ,分别占总价值的比例为 11.9%、3 0 .5 4%、11.99%、2 2 .97%和 7.2 2 % ,这与水在区域中的重要性是一致的。另外 ,长江三角洲生态系统在气候调节、防止侵蚀、食品生产。 In the Yangtze River Delta,the value of ecosystem services is estimated to be US$ 27.2 billion(109) per annum (at the 1995 price level).Forest ecosystem supply US$ 4.5 billion(109) per annum whid is 16.65 percent of the total value. Wetland ecosystem supplies US$ 5.8 billion(109) per annum which is 47.54 percent of the total value. Cropland ecosystem supplies US$ 0.4 billion(109) per annum which is 1.5 percent of the total value. Lake and river ecosystem suppies US$ 12.9 billion (109) per annum which is 47.54 percent of the total value. Shallow ecosystem supplies US$ 3.5 billion(109) per annum,which is 12.84 percent of total value. That lake and river ecosystem supplies about half of the benefit reminds us to protect water which is the key factor in the sustainable development in this region.The fact that less wetland suppliecs more benefit and more cropland supplies less benefit warns us that more and more cropland and less and less wetland will cut down our welfare.The Yangtze River Delta, an area of 1.6 percent of the total area of China, supplies 3.02 percent of the total value of China's ecosystem services and supplies 16 percent of the total GNP of China. This information indicates that, in The Yangtze River Delta, the value of ecosystem services in unit area is bigger and the GNP supported by unit ecosystem service is higher.Also,the values of mitigation of floods and droughts, purification and supplies of water, detoxification and decomposition of wastes are higher and the values of other ecosystem services are lower. This is consistent with the characteristic that water is more important in this region.
出处 《中国人口·资源与环境》 CSSCI 2005年第1期93-97,共5页 China Population,Resources and Environment
基金 国家自然科学基金重点项目 (3 993 0 0 40 )"沪嘉杭地区城镇发展的区域生态服务功能及调控机理"资助
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