保证期间为除斥期间 ,不因任何事由而发生中断、中止和延长。保证期间的确定依靠法定或当事人的约定 ,当事人没有约定或约定不明 ,如何确定保证期间 ,区别不同情况进行详细论述 ,尤其是关于最高额保证的保证期间确定有其特殊性 ,及保证期间向诉讼时效转换的问题。
The duration of the guarantee is a duration that can't be changed. It shouldn't be discontinued, ceased or prolonged by any cases. The assurance in the duration of the guarantee relies on laws or client's appointments. For the case that client doesn't have the appointment or the appointment is not clear, how to assure the duration of the guarantee is discussed for different situations. The maximum mortgage of guarantee has its own characters, the major problem is the transition from the duration of the guarantee to proceeding prescription.
Journal of Shijiazhuang University of Economics