目的:探讨血清细胞角蛋白19片段(CYFRA21-1)在不同民族食管癌患者中的差异。方法:采用 放射免疫分析检测79例健康人,264例食管癌患者血清CYFRA21-1的水平并对其结果进行分析,将食管癌 组按民族分为4组,130例汉族,72例维族,32例哈族,及其他为12例蒙古族、11例回族和7例柯尔克孜族。 结果:1.CYFRA21-1浓度在其平均秩和正常对照为169.05ng/ml,食管癌患者总样本为298.54ng/ml,汉族 312.89ng/ml,维族为288.27ng/ml,哈族为211.73ng/ml,其他440.11ng/ml,两两比较发现食管癌总体、汉族、维 族及其他正常对照均有统计学意义(P<0.01),汉族与哈族(P<0.05)、维族与哈族(P<0.01)、哈族与其他(P <0.01)、哈族与食管癌总样本组(P<0.05)其他与总样本组(P<0.01)血清CYFRA21-1水平有统计学意义。 2.CYFRA21-1水平当界值为3.3ng/ml时,阳性率在正常对照组为0%,食管癌患者总样本组29.41%,汉族 32.31%,维族为25.00%,哈族为15.63%,其他为26.67%。率的比较发现,维族与其他(P<0.05)、哈族与其 他(P<0.05)、各民族与正常对照均有统计学意义(P<0.01)。结论:血清细胞角蛋白19片段(CYFRA21-1) 水平在不同民族食管癌患者中有差异。
Objective To investigate the serum levels of cytokeratin 19 fragment (CYFRA21-1) in chinese people of different nationalities with esophageal cancer. Methods Serum CYFRA21-1 levels were measured with RIA in 79 controls and 264 chinese patients of different nationalities with esophageal cancer. The nationalities of the patients consisted of: Han 130, uighur 72, kazakh 32 and others 30 (including mongol 12, hui 11, keerkezi 7). Results (1) The serum levels of CYFRA21-1 obtained in different groups were: controls 169.05ng/ml, patients as a whole 299.84ng/ml, Han patients 312.89ng/ml, uighurs 288.27ng/ml, kazakhs 211.73ng/ml, others 440.11ng/ml. Levels in the patients as a whole and of various nationalitis (except kazakhs) were significantly higher than those in the controls (P<0.01). Differences of levels between kazakhs and hans、 others、patients as a whole were all significantl (P<0.05, P<0.01, P<0.05). (2) When 3.3ng/ml was taken as the cut-off value, the positive rate was 0% in the controls, 29,14% in patients as a whole, 32.3% in Hans, 25.00% in uighurs, 15.63% in kazakhs and 26.67% in others. Differences between uighurs and others、kazakhs and others、patients of various nationalities and controls were all significant (P<0.01). Conclusion There were differences among the serum CYFRA21-1 levels in chinese patients of different nationalities with esophageal cancer.
Journal of Radioimmanology