经空间关系分析,将三维空间角度的多种表达形式归纳为已知两方向角求一投影角,已知两投影角求一方向角,已知一方向角、一投影角求一方向角或一投影角三大类。根据画法几何原理,建立空间角计算的数学模型,并将 Visual LISP 与 Visual Basic 相结合开发空间角计算与显示系统,从而实现了空间角的计算机辅助求解,其特点是能精确、迅速和方便地解决复杂的空间角度计算问题。
By analyzing all kinds of space relations, the three dimension space angles are divided into three types: obtain a projection angle from two known direction angles; obtain a direction angle from two projection angles; obtain a direction angle or a projection angle from a projection angle and a direction angle. Basing on the theory of the descriptive geometry, a mathematic calculation model is formed. Then the calculation and display system is written in Visual Basic and Visual LISP. It is very accurate, quick and convenient, with which complex problems concerning the space angle calculation can be smoothly dealt with.
Journal of Engineering Graphics