

Environmental Impact Assessment of Salmonid Feeds Using Life Cycle Assessment(LCA)
摘要 了解与水产饲料有关的环境负荷是评价和改进水产养殖环境性能的一项重要内容。本研究的目的是利用寿命周期评估(LCA)评价与法国用于硬头鳟生产的饲料有关的环境影响。所评价的各个阶段为:原材料的提取,所使用的原始配料的生产与改造,饲料的生产,饲料在养殖场的使用,各个阶段的运输以及能源的生产和使用。评价结果显示,渔业资源的利用(例如生物资源利用)以及养殖场中营养物的排放(例如富营养化潜能)对鲑科鱼饲料的潜在环境影响所起作用最大。改进饲料的组成以及管理做法看来是改善水产饲料环境概貌的最佳途径。 Understanding the environmental burdens associated with aquafeeds is a critical component for assessing and improving the environmental performance of aquaculture.The aim of the study was to assess the environmental impacts associated with feeds for rainbow trout production in France,using Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). The stages assessed are:the extraction of the raw materials,the production and transformation of the primary ingredients used,the manufacturing of the feeds,the use of the feeds at the farm,transport at all stages,and the production and use of energy resources.The assessment revealed that the use of fishery resources (such as biotic resource use) and nutrient emissions at the farm (such as eutrophication potential) contribute most to the potential environmental impacts of salmonid aquafeeds.Improvements in feed composition and management practices,seem to be the best ways for improving the environmental profile of aquafeeds.
出处 《AMBIO-人类环境杂志》 2004年第6期294-301,共8页
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