目的 对氟乙酸根阴离子的衍生物-氟乙酸五氟苄基酯(PFB-MFA)进行了气相色谱分析,以满足氟乙酰胺类鼠药化验工作的需要。方法 使用GC/ECD、GC/MS Scan、GC/MS SIM对该化合物的标准溶液进行了分析,得到了各种分析方法的校正曲线及检测限。结果 三种方法测定PFB-MFA的线性范围分别为GC/ECD 0.01~0.1ng/μl、GC/MS SCAN 1~100ng/μl、GC/MS SIM 5×10^(-3)~1ng/μl。三种方法对氟乙酸根阴离子的检测限分别为:GC/ECD1.31×10^(-4)ng/μl、GC/MS SCAN 0.13ng/μl、GC/MS SIM 1.76×10^(-4)ng/μl。结论 氟乙酸根阴离子的衍生物氟乙酸五氟苄基酯在GC/ECD及GC/MS上具有一定的线性范围,有非常高的灵敏度,可用于法庭科学的定性定量分析。
Objective To determine 2, 3, 4, 5, 6-pentafluorobenzyl monofluoroacetate (PFB-MFA) as the derivative of monofluoroacetate anion ion by gas chromatography, by which fluoroacetamide, one of the raticides may be analyzed. Methods The calibration curve and limit of detection were obtained by quantification of standardized PFB-MFA using GC/ECD and GC/MS. Results The linear ranges for PFB-MFA were 0.01~0.1ng/μfor GC/ECD,1~100ng/μl for GC/MS SCAN and 5×10^(-3)~1 ng/μl for GC/MS SIM. The limit of detections for fluoroacetate anoin were 1.31×10^(-4)ng/μl for GC/ECD, 0.13 ng/μl for GC/MS SCAN, and 1.76×10^(-4) ng/μl for GC/MS SIM. Conclusion The monofluoroacetate anion derivative (MFAPFB) can be deterimined accurately with high sensitivity by GC/ECD and GC/MS SIM, which may be used for analysis of fluoroacetamide in forensic practice.
Chinese Journal of Forensic Medicine