IPv4地址分配的缺陷导致当今 IPv4网络潜在的低效和浪费问题。为了不重蹈 IPv4地址分配不合理的覆辙 ,在部署 IPv6的开始就以谨慎而有效地方法进行地址分配是非常重要的。相关组织对这个问题也提出了若干建议和标准 ,本文根据最新的 RFC文档关于 IPv6地址体系结构及分配策略的建议提出了一种可扩展的 IPv6全球单播地址分配方案。该方案在 RFC3 177建议基础上对 /4 8地址前缀的站点级地址块进行分配 ,该方案不仅具有灵活的可扩展性 ,而且支持对不同类型的业务实施不同的策略 ,为全面实现 IPv6奠定了基础。
The disadvantages of IPv4 Address allocation make IPv4 network inefficient and address space wasteful. IPv6 address allocation must be managed in a prudent manner with regards to the longterm interests of the internet for implementation IPv6. This paper proposed a method for IPv6 sitelevel global unicast address allocation which is followed the latest RFC documents of IPv6 addressing architecture and IPv6 allocation policy. The proposed method not only has flexible scalability but also supports different policy for different service. It is a foundation of implementing IPv6.
Modern Electronics Technique