
企业成长理论——基于联合产权制度的企业成长解析框架 被引量:1

The Theory of the Growth of the Firm ——the analytical framework of the growth of the firm based on the united property rights institution
摘要 联合产权制度中的各种产权制度安排形式不是事先给定的,而是随着企业的不断成长而相应演进的。不同制约因素下的企业成长要求有相应的联合产权制度与之匹配,以使企业净合作剩余最大化;而联合产权制度又反过来制约着企业的成长。对于不断成长的企业而言,有效的联合产权制度安排不会对应于企业成长的全过程,它只能适应于企业成长的某一特定阶段。对于不断演进的企业联合产权制度而言,最优的成长模式也不会对应于企业联合产权制度演进的全过程,它只能使用于企业联合产权制度演进过程中的某一特定阶段或多阶段。 All kinds of arrangements of the united property rights institution evolutes with the growth of the firm rather than predefined. The growth of the firm, under different restrictive elements, requires corresponding the united property rights institution to maximize the net cooperative surplus. The united property rights institution restricts the growth of the firm. Cornering to the growth of the firm, the united property rights institution only adapts to a special stage rather than the full process of the growth of the firm. Cornering to the united property rights institution, the optimum growth model only adapts to one (or several) special stage(s) rather than the full process of the evolution of the united property rights institution.
作者 张珉 王迎春
机构地区 湘潭大学商学院
出处 《湘潭大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2005年第1期34-42,共9页 Journal of Xiangtan University:Philosophy And Social Sciences
基金 国家社科基金课题"联合产权制度及企业内部治理结构研究"(02BJL001)阶段性研究成果。
关键词 企业成长 联合产权制度 剩余索取权 剩余控制权 firm growth united property rights institution residual rights of reclaim residual rights of control
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