委婉语既是一种语言现象,也是一种社会现象和文化现象。随着现代社会的需要,委婉语也在不断“推 陈出新”,其中不少呈现出鲜明的时代特征,同时委婉语的语义也随着时间的推移,有一个指称意义转向另一个指称 意义。中英委婉语之间存在着等值现象,也存在着文化差异。
Euphemism is a phenomenon of both language and society and culture. With the development of society,euphemism is also a process of weeding through the old and bring forth the new among which appears a striking features of the times. Meanwhile,the semantics of euphemism is changing from one direction to another. There are equivalent phenomenon and cultural discrepancy between Chinese and English euphemism.
Journal of Anhui University of Technology:Social Sciences