高师女生体育意识的培养不仅直接影响学生本人整体素质和高校体育教学质量的提高 ,将来还会影响到自己的学生树立正确的体育意识 ,意义重大 ,任务紧迫。体育意识的基本内容包含体育知识、体育情感、体育意志三个方面。体育课教学是高校体育的中心环节 ,培养高师女生的体育意识 ,必须充分利用课堂时间 ,体育教师在讲解传授基本知识、基本技术和基本技能的同时 ,多方面、多方法地进行引导、灌输和培养 ,以帮助学生树立起积极。
The Development of P.E sense for girl students in Teachers Colleges not only involves the teaching quality of them but also directly results in creating a right attitude and developing good habbits smong them as well as their future students,which means a lot and also is a urgent task.The sense of P.Ebasicly is composed of knowledgeofP.E,P.Eemtion andP.Ewillpower.The course ofP.Eis the main way of college P.E teaching.In order to develop theirP.Esense,We should make good use of the course time,at the same time as teachˉing.Basic knowledge techniques and skills,We have to intentively pay attention to introduce and develop the active and upword P.E eˉmotion and strongP.E will.
Journal of Jindongnan Teachers College