资源描述结构是由 W3C主导和结合多个元数据团体(如都柏林核心集等)所发展而成的一个架构,可用来携带多种不同的元数据来往于因特网和 WWW上。本文主要是介绍“资源描述架构”及其在“都柏林核心集”的可能应用,本文还介绍了 RDF的核心数据模式,以及“具体化”和“声明”等机制。
Resource description framework (RDF) was developed by W3C and some other metadata organizations, which can carry all kinds of metadata on the Internet and Web. This paper introduces resource description framework (RDF) and probable application of RDF in DUBLIN CORE. Furthermore, we presented model and syntax of RDF and strategy of reification and assertion of it。
Journal of Wuhan Institute of Science and Technology