
厌氧—好氧生物除磷影响因素的控制 被引量:3

Influencing factors of anaerobic-oxic biological phosphorus removal process
摘要 采用厌氧-好氧生物除磷工艺,研究了两个关键因子--化学需氧量与磷的比值和污泥负荷对系统除磷效果的影响及其控制.结果表明,原污水中化学需氧量与磷的比值越高,厌氧放磷越多,越有利于除磷;厌氧放磷与厌氧吸收碳源呈正相关;并且,进水化学需氧量与磷的比值的变化对整个系统碳源污染物的去除效果不会产生明显的影响.试验发现,厌氧条件下聚磷菌贮存碳源的多寡并不完全依赖于高能磷酸键水解提供的能量,原污水中化学需氧量越多,越有利于厌氧碳源的贮存.若要达到好的除磷效果,系统的污泥负荷必须控制在0.21~0.5 kg/(kg·d)之间,且污泥负荷越高,除磷效果越佳. The anaerobic-oxic biological phosphorus removal process was employed to investigate the influence and control strategy of two major factors, the influent ?(COD)/?(TP) ratio and the BOD load. The results indicated that the high ratio of influent ?(COD)/?(TP) was in favor of the phosphorus removal. P-release had a positive correlation with COD-uptake in anaerobic condition. The influent ?(COD)/?(TP) ratio had no significant influence on the removal of COD. The data suggested that PHB production was not completely dependent on utilization of energy from poly-phosphate bonds, and the higher influent ?(COD)/?(TP) ratio resulted in the higher P-release. To achieve high efficient phosphorus removal, the BOD load should be controlled in the range of 0.21~0.5 kg/(kg·d).
出处 《生态环境》 CSCD 2004年第4期506-507,511,共3页 Ecology and Environmnet
基金 国家高技术研究发展计划(863)项目(2003AA601010)
关键词 厌氧-好氧 生物除磷 化学需氧量与磷质量浓度的比值 污泥负荷 anaerobic-oxic process biological phosphorus removal ρ(COD)/ρ(TP) BOD load
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