
距离选通成像系统分辨率模拟测试装置 被引量:2

The Resolution Simulating Measurement Setup for Range-gated Imaging System
摘要 距离选通成像系统采用脉冲激光主动照明与ICCD选通技术相结合 为了在室内模拟测试一定大气条件下距离选通成像系统的分辨率,设计了一套模拟测试装置 采用两个模拟光源,分别模拟信号光和后向散射光 结合大气距离选通成像系统后向散射光和信号光模型的研究结果,采用阴极面等效辐射照度法,给出了模拟光源功率的计算方法和功率范围的确定方法,以S -20光电阴极的像增强器与CCD耦合为例,计算了模拟光源功率. The range gated imaging system combines the technologies of pulsed laser illuminating and range gated ICCD. To measure and evaluate the resolution of range gated imaging system under certain atmosphere conditions, a simulating measurement setup is designed. Two light sources are used for simulating the signal and backscatter light respectively. Based on the method of equivalent irradiance on photo cathode, the methods of power calculation and power range determination for simulating light sources are provided. In the case of image intensifier using S 20 photo cathode coupled with CCD, based on the model of optical backscatter and signal for range gated imaging system, the power of simulating light sources are calculated.
出处 《光子学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第2期165-168,共4页 Acta Photonica Sinica
基金 国家部委预研项目(03302020302)
关键词 激光技术 距离选通 等效辐射照度 分辨率 后向散射 Laser technology Range-gated imaging Equivalent irradiance Resolution Backscatter
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