宋人张择端《清明上河图》中所绘之虹桥 ,是我国古代桥梁中极具代表性的一座。作者通过留存史料 ,从建构、美学、力学等方面对虹桥作了详细的调查与考证 ,以有力的证据说明我国桥梁技术在历史长河中的完整性及广泛性。在世界桥梁史中 ,我国北宋年间的这一虹桥也一直独领风骚 。
Rainbow Bridge described in the “Picture of Bian River on Pure Brightness” by ZHANG Ze duan, a painter in the Song Dynasty,is one of the typical ancient bridge.The author gave a minute investigation and research on Rainbow Bridge and elaborated his view on the history of bridge technology.
Journal of Shandong University of Science and Technology(Social Sciences)