府南河整治工程是成都市20世纪最大的一项城市改造建设和环保工程。这一历时五年基本就绪的工程体现了“天人合一”的传统文化精华,蕴含了成都治水历史上从未有过的强调可持续发展和综合治理的现代化精神。 成都人民在府南河整治工程中所表现出来的参与性,以及在实践中发扬民族文化的优良传统和吸收世界新的理论成果而开创的“成都精神”,应当高度肯定并进一步弘扬。
The Project of Renovating Funan River is the largest construction and environmental protection project of the City of Chengdu. Lasting for five years, it demonstrates a combination of the quintessence of the traditional culture, namely, Mutual Correspondence between Man and Nature ( Tianrenheyi), and a modern spirit of emphasizing continuous development and comprehensive transformation. The initiative participation of Chengdu people and 'Chengdu Spirit'which they create in the practice of merging the traditional culture with the new theoretical achievements of the world, should obtain a definitely positive assessment and a further development.
Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University(Social Sciences)