新中国 50年的道路 ,从领导科学的角度讲 ,是三代国家领导人运用以弱胜强的领导艺术 ,战胜了一个个比自己强大得多的敌人或竞争对手而走过来的。研究其领导活动可以发现 ,他们的成功在战略决策上各有其时代特征 ,在策略方法上特点各异——毛泽东以刚为主 ,刚中有柔 ;邓小平以柔为主 ,柔中有刚 ;江泽民则先柔后刚。但结果是殊途同归 ,都巧妙地应用了以弱胜强的领导艺术。
From the angle of leading science, our country leaders of three generations have gone through the way of New China of 50 years using the leading model of defeating strength by weakness and winning competitor much stronger than themselves one by one. In their success we can discover that there are their respective features of the times on the strategic decisions and on the tactful ways by studying their leading activities. Mao Zedong takes strength as the dominant factor and there is grace as well as strength. Deng Xiaoping takes grace as the dominant factor and there is strength as well as grace. Jiang Zemin takes grace before strength. Then their result is the same. They all skillfully use the leading model of the weak defeating the strong.
Journal of Zhengzhou University of Light Industry:Social Science Edition
leading model
strategic decisions
tactful ways