进入 2 0世纪 70年代 ,继农业经济、工业经济之后 ,知识经济出现在国际经济舞台 ,其先期征兆“网络经济”、“新经济”渐次崭露头角 ,形成气候 ,这已是一个不争的事实。知识经济首先出现于发达国家 ,它对发展中国家是一个挑战 ,这种挑战是全方位的 ,同时表现在经济、政治、文化、社会等各个方面。由于发达国家多是资本主义国家 ,这种挑战对同时作为发展中国家和社会主义国家的中国 ,具有更严峻的含义。知识经济的挑战 ,其要害是不断创新的科学技术及其产业化 ,我国迎接这一挑战 ,只能以国际先进水平为参照系 ,以独创和超越为目标 ,大力提高产品和服务在国际市场上的竞争力。为此 ,我们应当围绕技术创新和产业化这个核心 ,不断完善并加强对我国拥有自主权和支配权的知识产权和专利的保护 。
College of Humanities and Arts, Tianjin Univ., Tianjin 300072, ChinaAfter agricultural economy and industrial economy, knowledge economy took its shape in the 1970s, whose early stage was network economy and new economy. Knowledge economy first appeared in developed countries, and it presents an all round challenge to the developing countries in economy, politics, culture and so on, especially to socialist China. The critical point of knowledge economy is science, technology and insudtrialization. China must use the advanced international level as reference point, aim for originality and surpassing, and improve the quality of products and services so as to compete in the world. Therefore China must center on technical innovation and industrialization, strengthen the protection to intellectual property and patents, and most importantly adopt the legal system of the advanced countries.
Journal of Zhengzhou University of Light Industry:Social Science Edition
intellectual property
knowledge economy
technical innovation