山姆·谢泼德是美国六十年代“外外百老汇”小剧场运动中脱颖而出的杰出剧作家。本文试图通过对其剧作《被埋葬的孩子》之主题与人物的分析 ,揭示美国社会病态家庭中人的异化 ;而美国梦的破灭则进一步揭示了美国社会物质文明与经济繁荣外表掩盖下的社会痼疾 ,以及积淀于美国人灵魂深处的“美国梦”的衰朽与持久 。
With the flourish of the Off-Off Broadway movements, the 1960s' American dramatic world saw the emergence of a particularly promising playwright, Sam Shepard. This article attempts to make a thematic study of his play Buried Child and its characters. The alienation and degeneration of man discloses the darkness of the American society as a whole and its social maladies in spite of its prosperous economy and material civilization, hence explores the hollow promises and the ensuing disillusionment of the deep-rooted American Dream.
Journal Of Tianjin Foreign Studies University