文学翻译中语义和艺术效果同等重要。高雅文学作品的翻译在保持译文的语义与原作的核心语义大致对等的条件下 ,可以优先考虑译文对译语读者产生的美学效果 ,充分发挥译语优势再创作 ,译文的艺术效果应相当于甚至可以超越原作 ,力求实现“神似”、“化境”。
Meaning and artistic impact are two equally important elements in literary translation.In the translation of elegant art including poetry,priority should be given to the equivalence of aesthetic impact on readers so long as there is a rough equivalence between the meaning of the translated text and the core meaning of the original is maintained.A creative translator should exploit the advantage of the target language and re create the original expressions,producing artistic effect equivalent to,even superior to ,that of the original in a pursuit of a full expression of the original spirit and climate.
Journal Of Tianjin Foreign Studies University