歌词创作中的隐喻有两种类型 ,修辞句式隐喻和文学整体隐喻。前者是指一个局部句式 ,后者则是一部作品的全部或相对独立的段所涉及的整体构思。其中隐和喻是一种对立的关系 ,喻训晓 ,隐训藏。当今歌词创作中 ,有时隐喻的作用主要是利用相似联想 ,将描述的对象在喻象基础上得到生发展开 ,使歌词产生丰富的审美意义。此外 ,有些词作在隐喻的双重视野中所观照的两种事物本质距离较远 ,表现方式上也多偏离常规 ,如果能把握好度 ,那么这种隐喻能给人们留下较多的思索和联想的余地 ,能拓展歌词艺术的审美空间 ,让人回味无穷。
Metaphorical expressions in songs may be divided into two types: sentential metaphor and discourse metaphor. The former is contained in a sentence and the latter may involve the whole song or relatively independent stanzas. A metaphorical expression embodies a contrastive relationship, i.e. concealing and clarifying. In the contemporary composition of songs, however, not all metaphorical expressions aim at clarifying the subject, but at enhancing or developing the image of the subject through its association with the vehicle, which may result in a rich aesthetic significance. On the other hand, the subject and the vehicle in some contemporary songs are quite distant from each other in terms of their natural characteristics, and the modes of expression are unconventional. If used properly, metaphorical expressions may leave spacious room for rich association and delightful aesthetic appreciation of the art of composing song verses.
Journal of Southeast University(Philosophy and Social Science)
the art of language use in composing songs
sentential metaphor
discourse metaphor
distant association