目前 ,全国的旅游业开展的如火如荼 ,特别是沿海经济特区旅游业发展的相当迅速。旅游业给地方经济带来了活力 ,推动了经济的发展。邯郸是历史文化名城 ,素有“成语典故”之乡的美称 ,但邯郸的旅游资源远远没有发挥出其应有的作用。本文说明了开发邯郸市旅游资源的重要作用 ,论证了将邯郸市旅游业发展成为支柱产业 。
The development of tourism industry is very rapid,especially in Coastal Special Economy Zones. Tourism industry brings vitality to the local economy and promotes the economic development. Handan,the hometown of proverbs,is a famous historical and cultural city. However,the tourism resources did not play its due role. The author of this paper expounds the importance of developing the tourism resources in Handan with detailed reference,the possibility and magnificance of booming the economy with tourism industry as pillar industry.
Journal of Hebei Institute of Architectural Science & Technology(Social Science Edition)