大球坚蚧主要为害国槐枝条和叶片,其寄主植物有10科11种。在山东济南,泰安每年发生1世代,以二龄若虫在寄主枝条上越冬。越冬后的若虫不再转移,3月中旬就在原处相继为害,4月中旬至5月下旬为严重为害期。5月上、中旬为雌、雄成虫交配、产卵期,每头雌成虫平均产卵1943粒。若虫5月中旬开始孵化,沿寄主枝条爬行扩散,最后全部爬到寄主叶片上固定。10月上、中旬寄主落叶之前,变为二龄若虫,然后转移回寄主枝条上越冬。其雌成虫分为皱和光滑两种型。重要天敌是Encyrtus sasakii和Anicetus sp.两种寄生蜂。
The study was carrted out in Taian and Jinan. Shandong Province. during 1984—1987. The scale insect. Eutecanium kuwanat is an important pest infesting twigs and leaves of Sophor(?) japonica. and there are 10 families. 16 species of its host plants in China. The pest has one generation each year. and lives through the winter with the sccond instar nymphs on twigs of the host. The overwintering nymphs migrate no more in the middle of March and continue their infestation there. From mid April to late May the pest infests seriously. At the begining and in the middle of May female and male adults adults mate and oviposit with 1943 eggs on an average each female adult. In late May the nymphs begin to hatch. climb along the twigs of the host. and settle on the leaves at last. At the begining and in the middle of October before leaves of the host fall. the pest becomes second instar nymphs. then reterning to twigs of the host to overwinter.The female adults can be divided into wrinkly and smooth types. Important natural enemies are two species parasitie wasps. the Enevrtus sasakii and Anicetussp.
Journal of Shandong Agricultural University:Natural Science Edition
Eulccanium kuwanai
spiracular grooves
caudal filament
parasitization habits naturalenemy