目的 在B超普查中早期诊断原发性肝癌,达到早期手术切除原发灶、提高患者术后5年存活率;以及发现其他常见肝胆疾病。 方法 我厂40岁以上在职职工三年内(每年一次)5890例,空腹B超检查。使用仪器为SONOLINE Prima实时黑白超声诊断仪。腹部探头频率根据受检查者体型选用(肥胖型用2.6MHz,瘦小型用5.0MHz,普通型用3.5MHz)。 结果 5890例中超声检查发现原发性肝癌5例,存活4例。同期我院病人肝胆B超检查8884例,发现肝癌8例,均已死亡。 结论 B超既能检出早期原发性肝癌,又能查出诸多良性的、或有恶变倾向的隐匿性肝胆疾病,并针对其随访复查。达到防癌检查的目的。
Objective To diagnose primary liver cancer in its early stage and increase 5-year-surviving-rate,as well as to diagnose other liver and gallbladder diseases. Methods We had, in our factory, examined 5890 employees who were all over 40 years old with B ultrasound screening. Three different probe frequencies had been used:2.6MHz, 5.0MHz,and 3.5MHz respectively for people with plump,slender and average build. Results 5 primary liver cancer cases were diagnosed and 4 survived after appropriate treatment. While at the same period of time, 8 liver cancer cases were diagnosed out of 8884 patients detected in our hospital and all died. Conclusion Our results suggest B ultrasound screening can be a very handy tool in early diagnosing primary liver cancer, benign and viciousness-potential liver and gallbladder diseases.
Shanghai Medical Imaging