

Design and Actualization of Internet Voice Transmitting System
摘要 计算机技术和网络技术的成熟促进了Internet语音传输的发展。IETF制定的RTP协议也在工业界得到广泛的应用,各大软硬件厂商都纷纷推出相应的支持软件和硬件。参考RFC1889,在RedHat7.2操作系统环境下开发了一个点与点之间的全双工语音传送系统,能够实现独立IP的两台计算机之间的语音通信。系统具有分组数据包的排序功能和网络自适应调整功能。 With the development of the computer and network technology, the audio transmitting technology has been greatly improved. The RTP protocol made by IETF has been used widely, and many hardware and software have been developed to support it. Refering to RFC1889, the author has developed a point-to-point audio system in the Redhat 7.2 operation system to transmit audio data and realize the audio communication between two computers with independent IPs . This system is able to sort the packets in the buffer and adjust the data transport-rate to auto-adapt the network condition.
出处 《重庆工学院学报》 2003年第4期8-10,25,共4页 Journal of Chongqing Institute of Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金(59875087) 太原重型机械集团有限公司资助项目。
关键词 at7 语音传输 操作系统 全双工 计算机 排序功能 语音传送 RFC 分组数据 IETF RTP RTCP audio transmit network auto-adapt
  • 引文网络
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