The six treatments of general emasculation-pollination-bagging, emasculation with perianth-pollination-bagging and not bagging, emasculation with perianth-not pollination-not bagging and bagging gauze, and natural pollination were set up in order to study further the useful value of the ne.w method of emasculation with perianth in the fruit cross breeding of pear, hawthorn, peach,apricot, and others. The results showed that 1. grovity or wind pollination had a certain influence on the fruit set of pear and hawthorn, but the ratio was little; 2. emasculation with perianth, except hawthorn, lost basically the teptation to insects and there was no insect presence; 3. emasculation with perianth had no influence on the set, the fruit development and the seed number of single fruit of pear, hawthorn, peach and apricot; and 4. the speed ofemasculation with perianth was ten times as fast as that of general emasculation, and the steps of making bags, bagging, and removing bags could be eliminated. It is suggested that emasculation with perianth-not bagging should be tried out in the cross of apple, pear, peach, apricot and plum for breeding new varieties, and emasculation with perianth-bagging should be tried out for studying the law of inheritance.
Journal of Shandong Agricultural University:Natural Science Edition
the sexual cross of fruit
the method of emasculation