本文对黄海测区空气微生物作了一次测定 ,结果表明空气中海洋性细菌、真菌的检出率分别为 52 .4 %和 4 7.6 %。陆源性细菌、真菌的检出率分别为80 .0 %和 6 0 .0 %。陆源性微生物出现机率大于海洋性的。空气微生物以细菌为主。测区平均的海洋性空气细菌、真菌、总菌量及真菌 /总菌 %分别为 592 .6 ,32 9.1 ,92 1 .7CFU·m-3 及 35.4。平均的陆源性空气细菌、真菌、总菌量及真菌 /总菌 %分别为 6 89.1、377.9、1 0 6 7.0CFU·m-3 及 35.7。文章分析了空气微生物的时空分布状态。指出测区空气微生物状态反映了海 -气、海 -陆、人和自然的相互作用。
This paper reports the measurements on the air borne microbes over an investigated area of the Yellow Sea. The results show that the detection percentages of marine bacteria and fungi are 52.4 and 47.6, respectively, and those of terrigenous bacteria and fungi are 80.0 and 60.0, respectively. The average counts of marine bacteria, fungi, total microbes in the air and F/T% are 592.6, 329.1, 921.7 CFU·m -3 and 35.7 respectively. And the average counts of terrigenous bacteria, fungi, total microbes and F/T% are 689.1, 377.9, 1067.0 CFU·m -3 and 35.4 respectively. The occurrence probability (or opportunity)of terrigenous microbes is higher than marine microbes. The paper describes the spatial and temporal distribution of air borne becteria, pointing out that air borne bacteria are a main member of air borne microbes whose state reflects sea air; sea land and man nature interactions.
Transactions of Oceanology and Limnology