本文对山东栎类树木的栎链蚧属蚧虫作了研究(山东蚧类研究内容之一)除存在2个已记录种外。又发现1个新记录种白栎链蚧Asterodiaspis alba(Takahashi)和2个新种:枹栎栎链蚧A. glandulifera Liu et Shi新种、多腺栎链蚧A. multipora Liu et Shi新种。通过雌成虫、一龄若虫的形态研究,结合其生态观察,发现后3个种皆具生态二型性。本文对其食干型、食叶型雌成虫和一龄若虫的形态进行了详细描述和绘图,并简述了生物学。新种模式标本,保存于山东农业大学植物保护系昆虫学教研室昆虫标本室。
The scale insects of the genus Asterodiaspis m Shandong are studied. There exist two recorded species A. japonica (Cockerell), A. variabile (Russell), Besides, one new recorder Ao alba (Takahashi) and two new species A. glandulifera Liu et Shi and A. multipora Liu et Shi were discovered in Shandong. The ecological dimorphism of the three species was studied in relation to the morphological study and ecological observation of adult females and first-instar nymphs. The basis of judging is as follows: (1) The morphology of first instar nymphs from the stem or leaf form (adult female) are completely uniform; (2) The specimens on the stem or leaf are single species; (3) On the basis of the ecological observation, the leaves of the host fall and decay in winter, therefore, the leaf-form can not overwinter and can develop from the over-wintering stem-form next spring.
1. Asterodiaspis alba (Takahashi)
The original description of its morphology is obviously based on the leaf-forms, some characters of the two forms are confused. Borchsenius (1960) described this species living on the stem and leaves in China, but he did not indicate its dimorphism.
2. Asterodiaspis glandulifera Liu et Shi, sp. nov.
Test of stem-females: Ovoid or elliptical, about 0.77mm long and 0.67 wide. Convex dorsally and ventrally, transparent, marginal filaments white.
Adult stem-form females: Body about 0.77mm long and 0.70mm wide; Margin: 8-shaped pores in a single row terminating around 0.015~0.025mm from bases of apical setae, the quinquelocular pores row accompaning by 8-shaped pores row on the ventra in a single row, but absent in the margin of body apex. Dorsal surface: tubular ducts scattered; minute 8-shaped and disc pores sparse. Ventral surface: multilocular pores arranged in 4 complete rows, on others present.
The leaf-form is different from the stem-form as follows: (1) The shape of test of female circular, regularly larger than stem-form's, about 0.98mm in diameter, flat dorsally and ventrally; (2) The shape of body nearly circular, about 0.80mm in diameter, diffierent from the stem-form; (3) The row of marginal quinquelocular pores exceeding the row of marginal 8-shaped pores about one or two 5-locular pores; (4) The number of multilocular pores on the ventral fewer than stem-form's. New species is allied with A. ilicicola and A. japonica, but different from the former in smaller body than 1.0mm in diameter, the number of multilocular pores fewer than 40, number of minute dorsal 8-shaped pores fewer. Difference from the latter: quinquelocular pores in single row absolutely, not reaching to the apex of anal lobe.
Host: Quercus glandulifera Blume
Locality: Qingdao, Shandong, China.
3. Asterodiaspis multipora Liu et Shi, sp. nov.
Test of the stem-female: Nearly circular, length slightly larger than width, about 1.05mm long and 0.79ram wide, posterior end sometimes slightly produced, with larval exit pore semicircular. Hardly convex dorsally and ventrally, marginal filaments white or pale-red.
Adult stem-form female: Body 0.95mm long and 0.70mm wide; Margin: 8-sheped pores in a single row terminating around 3~5 pores length from bases of apical setae, the quinquelocular pores accompaned by 8-sheped pores on the ventra in a single row. Dorsal surface: tubular ducts numerous; minute 8—shaped pores and disc pores distributaed irregularly. Ventral surface: multilocular pores arranged in 8 complete transverse rows, no incomplete row.
The leaf-form is different from the stem-form as follows: (1) Test of adult femal circular, flat and smooth, larger than the stem-form obviously; (2) Body circular, about 1.00mm in diameter, different from the stem-form; (3) Marginal quiquelocular pores row single absolutely; (4) The number of minute dorsal 8-shaped pores fewer.
New species are different distinctly from all other members of this genus in the follwing character: the number of multilocular pores on ventrum of abdomen more than 90, arranged in 8 transverse complete rows.
Host: Quercus acutissima Carr.
Locality: Qingdao, Shandong, China.
All specimens are deposited in the collection of the Department of Plant Protection, Shandong Agricultural University.
Journal of Shandong Agricultural University:Natural Science Edition
Asterodiaspis: Fagaceae
new species
ecological dimorphism