Wheat leaf rust ( Puccinia triticinia Eriks ) might oversummer on volunteer wheat seeding and then becomes the main pathogen infecting the wheat crop in autumn. The fungi overwinter mainly by the insidious mycelia in autumn wheat. Heavier infection by the fungus in spring is correlated to combination of larger population of the overwintering pathogen, higher temperature in Junuary,earlier warm up and more rainfall and dew days in April and May. Resistant appraisal of 1057 samples of wheat varieties suggested that 'Lumei' No. 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8 are excellent varieties with good resistance and high-yield at present.
The disease can be controlled by once spraying Triadimefon 20% at 50—100ml per mu, and by sowing properly later.
Shandong Agricultural Sciences