吴越文化在明清时期已达到鼎盛 ,而此时小说创作也是硕果累累。明清小说的作者多来自吴越地区 ,作品的题材内容也多取材于吴越地区 ,明清小说中蕴涵了丰富的吴越文化。吴越文化在一定程度上促进了小说的发展 ,明清时期小说的繁荣也推动了吴越文化的发展。探讨吴越文化与明清小说之间的联系 ,有助于我们认识地域文化与文学创作之间的相互作用。
The culture of Wuyue arrived at the height of power and splendour in Mingqing periods, and at thistime the produce of novels obtained great achievements. Most novel authors in the Mingqing periods were from the Wuyue area and the writing subject matters aim mostly at Wuyue area, there are abundance Wuyue culture in the novels of MingQing periods. The culture of Wuyue promoted the development of novels in a certaint degree, whereas, the flourish of the novels of Mingqing periods impelled the progress between the culture of Wuyue. We can understand the reciprocity of the zone culture and the produce of literature ,if we discuss the relation between the culture of Wuyue and the novel of Mingqing periods.
Journal of Hechi University