视频编码新标准H.2 64/AVC采用了许多先进技术如统一的VLC符号编码,高精度、多模式的位移估计,基于4×4块的整数变换、分层的编码语法等。这些措施使得H.2 64算法具有很高的编码效率。同时在网络层通过对信息的封装与优先级控制等技术来实现数据在不同网络之间的透明传输。H.2 64的这种码流结构网络适应性强,增加了差错恢复能力,具有较强的抗误码特性,能够很好地适应丢包率高、干扰严重的无线信道中的视频传输。本文从编码效率和网络适应性方面讨论了H.2
H.264/AVC is a new video coding international standard, It adopts such advanced technologies as VLC symbol coding, accurate precision, mutimode displacement estimate, 4×4 block-based integer transform, layered coding syntax that make it have high coding efficiency. At the same time, it would be designed to offer a transparent translation over different networks by information encapsulation and precedence control technologies. The stream structure of H.264 is very suitable for network transmission, it increases the capability of error correction and is applicable for wireless channel very well. In this article, the new technologies on H.264/AVC are discussed from the viewpoints of coding efficiency and adaptability to network environments.
Wireless Communication Technology