
一种基于结构信息总结树的XML文档聚类方法 被引量:1

Clustering XML Documents Based on a Structural Summary Tree
摘要 提出一种有效的XML文档结构信息表达方法,用数字化的结构总结树SST对XML文档的结构信息进行编码,在此基础上给出结构距离的定义,并采用遗传算法对XML文档进行聚类.实验证明该方法分类准确率高,易于实现,且不需先验的DTD知识. An approach for calculating the structural similarity between XML documents is proposed in this paper. The structural information of an XML document is captured with a structural summary tree (SST). By encoding elements as digital numbers, a SST is transformed to a digit-labeled tree. Digital numbers at different tree levels are concatenated to form a vector after the normalization process. Consequently, each XML document is represented as an m-dimension vector. The GA-based clustering algorithm is adopted since it is able to provide good results irrespective of the starting configuration. Experimental results show the effectiveness and scalability of the approach.
出处 《应用科学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第1期71-74,共4页 Journal of Applied Sciences
关键词 XML文档 结构信息 聚类方法 DTD 遗传算法 编码 准确率 实验证明 距离 表达方法 XML information retrieval document clustering GA SST(structure summary tree)
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