会计国际化是大势所趋 ,也是长期以来会计界讨论的热点。随着经济全球化的迅猛发展和中国加入WTO ,对中国会计国际化的讨论更是此起彼伏 ,其中大多数均表明了我国大步迈向国际会计准则的决心和信心。笔者并非对这一方面有所异议 ,只是试图通过对国际、国内等诸多方面因素的冷静、理性分析 ,充分认识到国际化的发展方向也只是国际间的协调 ,各国会计的差异将不可避免 ,国别化的现实将长期存在 ,打破最终实现“全球会计统一”的幻想。同时认识到我国会计在国际协调中更有其复杂性 ,要立足现实 ,积极应对 ,以维护本国利益。
internatonal Accouning is a hot spot of discussion in the field of accouting and will be a tendency with the rapid developing of economic globlolization.The hot debate on the issue of international accounting expresses China's determination and confidence in the rule of international accounting . The goal of the article is to fully understand accounting difference between countries both national and international in order to cope with them to maitain Chian's interests under current situation.
Journal of Shanxi Finance & Taxation College