目的 针对人工耳蜗术后聋儿的音调异常个案进行科学地测量以及治疗,并对疗效进行阶段性评估。 材料 人工耳蜗术后患儿,女,9岁,因呼吸、音调音质异常于 2004年3月21日开始接受言语矫治。方法 在康复训练中,对患儿的言语障碍(高音调、音调单一)进行主客观评估,针对性地采用一些矫治的方法,之后对疗效进行评估。为期三个月,采用单一被试统计方法。结果 基线期与处理期的平均言语基频(MSF)数据有着显著性差异(p<0.01),这说明降调治疗是有效的;言语基频的标准差在治疗前后的增加未达显著性水平(p>0.05)。结论 呼吸训练、放松训练、以及咀嚼法、哈欠-叹气法、对症性降调训练等综合疗法对音调偏高的患者有着较好的疗效,而重读训练以及音调匹配训练对音调单一的疗效较好。
Objective The deaf child who has pitch disorder after receiving a cochlea implant hasbeen assessed and treated. The effect of therapy was evaluated periodically. Material A girl, 9 year-old,because of respiration, pitch and resonance disorders, she started to receive speech therapy on March 2,2004 after cochlea implantation. Method After subjective and objective assessments, we monitor the effectof speech therapy for three months. Data from this procedure was analyzed by single subject experimentaldesign. Results There is a significant difference of MSF (mean speaking frequency) before and after therapy(p<0.01), which testified the effect of pitch therapy. But the standard deviation of MSF shows nosignificant difference (p>0.05). Conclusions The combination of respiration training, relax training, chewingmethod, yawn-sigh etc. proves a positive approach for the patient who has high-pitch. On the other hand,accent method and pitch-matching activity are considered effective as well.'
Chinese Scientific Journal of Hearing and Speech Rehabilitation