The Neoarchean complex in eastern Hengshan is composed of Dongzhang supracrustal rocks and Tuling--Linchang TTG gneisses. Mafic granulites ofDongzhuang Formation contain two--stages of mineral assemblages, with thesecond assemblage (M_3) of Hb+Pl mantling the first assemblage (M_2) of OPx+CPx+Pl±Gt and often. occurring as symplectic coronas passing between OPxand Gt. After the earliest metamorphism (M_1), the plagioclase--garnet--twopyroxene rocks occurring as inclusions in the TTG gneisses formed two--stagesymplectic coronas around garnet. An outer corona of Hb+Pl mantles a finer-grained inner corona of OPx+Pl. Preferred P--T estimates for M_1 based on garnet--OPx pairs in the inclusionsof Tuling-Linchang TTG gneisses are P about 1.1--1.5 GPa at 1108°K. Thereexist some differences in P-T conditions for M_2 and M_3 between the inclusionsand the host rocks of Tuling-Linchang TTG gneisses, with P--T for M_2 and M_3being respectively 1.0 GPa at 1148±25°K and 0.4 GPa at 923±50°K in theinclusions, and 0 .9 GPa at 1123±20°K and 0.4 GPa at 908±45°K. in DongzhuangFormation. According to pressure, temperature and textures indicating mineral reac-tions, they have experienced different evolutionary Processes. The PTt path ofthe inclusions is a‘clockwise' path in which the barometric maximum precedesthe thermal maximum, and initial retrograde path has large initial dP/dT,exhibiting isothermal decompression(ITD), whereas the PTt path of Dong-zhuang mafic granulites is an 'anticlockwise' path in which heating occurs Priorto during the thickening, and initial retrograde path has small positive dP/dT,exhibiting isobaric cooling(IBC). Such differences are of great importance indiscussing the evolution of the Neoarchean complex in this area.
Acta Petrologica et Mineralogica