我们记录了20名正常人及22名视神经炎患者的多导视诱发电位及其地形图(Topo-gra-phy).结果:(1)正常人全视野刺激后其地形图以枕区为中心呈对称性分布:半视野刺激后出现明显的“矛盾定侧现象”.(2)全视野刺激后视神经炎患者的地形图出现明显的非对称性分布,偏颞侧者为多,也有偏鼻侧的,偶有居中的.我们讨论了地形图在早期诊断视神经炎,判断视神经的受损范围以及评价治疗效果等方面的作用.眼科学报 1993;9:75-80。
The multi-channel VEPs topographies of 20 normal persons and 22 patients suffered
from optic neuritis were recorded.In normal subjects,the topography showed symmetric distribution by
full-field stimulation and paradoxical lateralization by half-field stimulation.In patients with optic neuri-
tis,it showed asymmetric distribution most on the temperal side,some on the nasal side and occationally
in the middle by full-field stimulation.The result suggests that the optic nerve may be damaged on either
temperal or nasal.The effect of the early diagnosis and evaluating treatment using topography is also dis-
cussed.Eye Scirence 1993;9:75-80.
Eye Science