Section of Respiratory System Foreign Medical Sciences
1Kampen GT, Stafford S, Adaehi T, et al. Eotaxin induces degranulation and chemotaxis of eosinophils through the activation of ERK2 and p38 mitogen-activated protein kinases.Blood, 2000,95(6) : 1911-1917.
2Eynott PR, Nath P, Leung SY, et al. Allergen-induced inflammation and airway epithelial and smooth muscle cell proliferation: role of Jun N-terminal kinase. Br J Pharmacol,2003,140(8) :1373-1380.
3Zhang X, Mse, Moilanen E, et al. Regulation of eosinophil apoptosis by nitric oxide: Role of c-Jun-N-terminal kinase and signal transducer and activator of transcription 5. J Allergy Clin Immunol,2003,112(1) :93-101.
4Orsini MJ, Krymskaya VP, Eszterhas AJ, et al. MAPK superfamily activation in human airway smooth muscle:mitogenesis requires prolonged p42/p44 activation. Am J Physiol,1999,277(3 Pt 1) :L479-488.
5O'Sullivan MP, Tyner JW, Holtzman MJ. Apoptosis in the airways: another balancing act in the epithelial program. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol,2003,29(1) :3-7.
6Pelaia G, Cuda G, Vatrella A, et al. Effects of transforming growth factor-[ beta] and budesonide on mitogen-activated protein kinase activation and apoptosis in airway epithelial cells.Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol,2003,29(1):12-18.
7Caelles C, Gonzalez-Sancho JM, Munoz A. Nuclear hormone receptor antagonism with AP-1 by inhibition of the JNK pathway. Genes Dev, 1997,11 ( 24 ) : 3351-3364.
8Sousa AR, Lane SJ, Soh C, et al. In vivo resistance to corticosteroids in bronchial asthma is associated with enhanced phosyphorylation of JUN N-terminal kinase and failure of prednisolone to inhibit JUN N-terminal kinase phosphorylation. J Allergy Clin Immunol, 1999,104 (3 Pt 1 ) : 565-574.
9Bantel H, Schmitz ML, Raible A, et al. Critical role of NF-kappaB and stress-activated protein kinases in steroid unresponsiveness. FASEB J, 2002,16 (13) : 1832-1834.
10Blease K, Lewis A, Raymon HK. Emerging treatments for asthma. Expert Opin Emerg Drugs, 2003,8 ( 1 ) : 71-81.
1王莹,杜昕.心血管病危险因素的研究进展[J].中国临床医生杂志,2012,40(2):22-25. 被引量:25
2刘静,洪建国.儿童哮喘与气道重塑的研究进展[J].中华哮喘杂志(电子版),2012,6(4):29-34. 被引量:3
3潘颖,付秀华.支气管哮喘治疗进展[J].内蒙古医学杂志,2007,39(1):66-69. 被引量:12
4刘静,洪建国.儿童哮喘与气道重塑的研究进展[J].国际呼吸杂志,2012,32(18):1420-1425. 被引量:5
5刘沛,陈燕娟,田忠启,刘春英.拉米夫定治疗慢性乙型肝炎现况[J].中国实用内科杂志,2002,22(11):694-695. 被引量:5
6张红,毛艳红,陈艳.胰岛素治疗早期2型糖尿病20例临床观察[J].中国民康医学,2007,19(18):735-735. 被引量:2
7刘少滨,邓伟吾.β-肾上腺素受体激动剂舒张气道平滑肌的分子机制[J].临床肺科杂志,1998,3(1):4-6. 被引量:1
9吴洪杰.舒利迭治疗支气管哮喘的临床评价[J].临床肺科杂志,2004,9(6):698-699. 被引量:2
10金红芳,方红,王宏伟.全反式维甲酸抗支气管哮喘大鼠气道炎症的作用及机制[J].中华结核和呼吸杂志,2004,27(4):280-281. 被引量:9