本文报告4例电离辐射白内障,全部是从事井下4大工种骨干工人;专业工龄19~20年,年龄38~53岁,辐射剂量分别为α50.10—94.00 γ6.66—16.36,HE57.60—110.36Rem,排除了接触白内障的因素与疾病;发病原因是长期低剂量的电离辐射直接作用于晶体。建议铀矿工人应当穿戴防护工作服和铅防护眼镜,以及采用轮换作业等防护措施。
Four cases of cataracts by ionizing radiation werereported. They worked in the pit bottom and are main-stay. Their length of service: 19~20. years. age:38~53years old. radiation dose: α 50.10 ~ 94.00 Rem., γ6.66~ 16.36 Rem. HE 57.60~ 110.36 Rem. Therewere no other causes and diseases, and the main causewhich cause was that low-dose ionizing radia-tion for-long time directly affects on the lens. It issugested that the miners in uranium mine must wearprotecting work clothes and glasses and take rariousmeasures such as work in turn etc.
Journal of Injuries and Occupational Diseases of the Eye with Ophthalmic Surgeries