目的 探讨骨盆骨折各种手术方法的治疗效果。方法 用外固定支架、切开复位内固定、切开复位内固定加外固定支架治疗骨盆骨折 2 5例。结果 骨折愈合良好 ,优良率 91%。结论 应根据具体情况决定手术方式 ,上述三种方法 ,内固定更符合生物力学。
Objective To study the result of operative tratment of unstable pelvic fractures. Methods 25 cases of unstable pelvic fractures were treated with three operative methods:besides fixation bracket, internal fixation, besides fixation bracket adding internal fixation. Results All fractures healed and function of extermity had recovered. Conclusion Select a suitable method,internal fixation accord biology mechanics.
Guangzhou Medical Journal