中日战争爆发后 ,德国远东政策经历了一个从量变到质变的过程。从“七·七事变”经“八·一三事变”再到陶德曼调停是其量变时期。这一时间德国在远东仍继续推行中日战争爆发前的远东中立 -平衡政策 ,但平衡政策的重心却在一步步滑向日本 :即从同情中国抗战到限制对华军火贸易再到说服中国接受日本的和谈条件。 193 8年初德国远东政策的调整是德国远东政策的质变 ,德国远东中立 -平衡政策最终为亲日弃华新政策所代替。德国远东政策的质变是其量变的必然结果 ,它是由希特勒世界战略决定了的 ,是其实施侵略计划的客观需要。
German policy about the Far East had a developing course.The government of Germany carried out a policy of neutrality between China and Japan when the war fired out.As the war going on the German government gradually laid particular stress on Japan and thoroughly turn to Japan in 1938.The evolution of German Policy was decided by Hitler's global strategy and was the need of Hitler's implementing his aggression plan.
Journal of Xianning Teachers College