Experiments were carride out on 64 artificially ventilated SD rats anaesthetized with urethane and galllamine triethiodide immobilized.Injection on pentagastrin(G5)into the rat lateral ventricle resulted in a marded elevation in arterial blood pressure which reached its peak at 3 min(from 12.2±1.5 to 14.1±1.7 kPa),and also a significant increase in heart rate with its mazimal value being from 4.35±53.9 to 471.6±53.2 beats/min.However,no change in blood pressure and heart rate was observed when the normal saline (NS) was injection into same sites on an equal dose of G5 was injected intravenously.In addition,the increase effect of G5 on blood pressure and heart rate was partially antagonized by injection of phentolamine (α-receptor antagonist,10μg) into lateral ventricle.These findings indicate that G5 can elevate blood pressure and heart rate centrally.and its action may be porty medicated by central α-adrenoceptor.